5-MINUTE PERSONALITY TEST INSTRUCTIONS: Below are ten horizontal rows with four descriptive words in each. In each horizontal row, below each word, enter the number “4” in the space below the word that best describes you; a “3” in the space below the word that describes you next best; a “2” in the space below the word that describes you next to least, then “1” in the space below the word that least describes you. On each horizontal row, you will then have one “4”, one ”3”, one ”2”, and one “1”. Starting at the top horizontal row and complete it before moving down to complete the next horizontal row. Once every row is completed you'll see totals at the bottom: These descriptors are also ordered in four vertical columns: L, O, G, and B. Add the numbers of each vertical column, and enter the total of those numbers in the space at the bottom of the column. For example: One choice for the first row of words might be as follows:3 Likes Authority | 4 Enthusiastic | 2 Sensitive Feelings | 1 Likes InstructionPosition Applying For Position Name(Required)Your Name(Required)Email(Required) Likes Authority | LEnthusiastic | OSensitive Feelings | GLikes Instruction | BTakes Charge | LTakes Risks | OLoyal | GAccurate | BDetermined | LVisionary | OCalm, Even Keel | GConsistent | BEnterprising | LVery Verbal | OEnjoys Routine | GPredictable | BCompetitive | LPromoter | ODislikes Change | GFlexible | BProblem Solver | LEnjoys Popularity | OGives In To Others | GFactual | BProductive | LFun-Loving | OAvoids Confrontation | GConscientious | BBold | LLikes Variety | OSympathetic | GPerfectionist | BDecision Maker | LSpontaneous | ONurturing | GDetail-Oriented | BPersistent | LInspirational | OPeacemaker | GAnalytical | BTotal LTotal OTotal GTotal BIf you receive an error, please make sure all required fields are filled out.CAPTCHA