Asheville Achievers – Laura Sullivan ID.ology Interior Design

Laura SullivanLaura Sullivan is a woman in a man’s world. It started as a child, when she’d accompany her father to job sites, getting her hands dirty throwing materials in the dumpsters in his investment properties. It continued during school, when she combined her passion for art with her experience in real estate to earn a degree in interior design (and a minor in art). Upon graduation from college, Sullivan invested further in that traditionally masculine world, as she received both her real estate broker’s license and her contractors license.

All of that experience finds a more feminine home in her interior design business, ID.ology, which she founded in 2012. She could sling a hammer with the deft skill of any contractor, but Sullivan chooses to invest in the prettier side of design, leaving the dirty work to her husband at Living Stone Design + Build (the two companies often work in tandem).

“Be courageous,” the bold designer offers as advice for any aspiring women. “Courageousness and confidence are really invaluable, and although sometimes in leadership roles we might come against some friction in the community, persevere.”

Sullivan’s quick to recognize the uniqueness of her path as well as the blessings it entails. “God has blessed me with an amazing, supportive, husband who is an inspiration and wonderful partner, and an incredible team of strong, talented ladies at ID.ology.”

As published in Asheville Lifestyle Magazine February 2017